
Friday, November 23, 2012

My First Blog Post

So, maybe no one will read this blog. Or maybe a lot of people will. It doesn't really matter though, because I want to write for me. If someone else wants to read it, great, but I don't want to be writing to please other people.

Admittedly, things have been tough lately. It's been an emotional roller-coaster with a lot of heartbreak and tears. I've made some mistakes. I've taken people for granted and loved like I should. I haven't lived my life to please God, but instead to please people. And now, here I am, trying to turn it around. I want there to really be change in my life. Not fake external change, but real heart change that results in a new outlook on life. I can see even now that God is using this. I'm not sure how, but he is. That realization gives me hope and hope is one of the best things to have.